B. Istrate

introdus la 01.12.2010


Glaucomul este una dintre cele mai frecvente cauze ale pierderii vederii si ale orbirii. Tensiunea intraoculara crescuta nu explica cauzele glaucomului la toti pacientii,dar este considerata ca fiind un factor de risc al bolii. Se pare ca imunitatea sistemica a ochiului prin mecanismele de crestere sau descrestere a reglarii imunologice ale autoanticorpilor anti antigene oculare isi face simtit impactul si asupra pacientilor cu glaucom. Insasi celulele ganglionare retiniene si umoarea apoasa pot constitui apertura de selectie a raspunsului imunitar ocular, implicat in patogeneza glaucomului. Prin multiplele sale roluri, sistemul imunitar confera o actiune protectiva si asupra neuronilor din retina. Este foarte importanta mentenanta imunitara in glaucom, care implica pe de alta parte activitatea factorilor de imunoprotectie si neuroprotectie.

Cuvinte cheie: Glaucom, Imunologie, Neuroprotectie, Imunoreglare, Mecanism

Glaucoma is one of the most frequent causes of vision loss and blindness.The increased intraocular pressure does not explain glaucoma in all patients but can be considered as a risk factor of the disease.
It seems that systemic immunity of the eye through up-and-down immunological regulation of autoantibodies against ocular antigens make their impact felt on glaucoma patients too. The cells from retinal ganglion and aqueous humor itself can be the aperture selection of ocular immune response involved in glaucoma pathogenesis.Among its multiple functions, the immune system confers a protective action on retinal neurons. It is very important the immune maintenance in glaucoma, which involves on the other side the activity of immunoprotection and neuroprotection factors.

Key words: Glaucoma, Immunology, Neuroprotection, Immunoregulation, Mechanism